Thursday, December 18, 2008

Searing Heat of Summer

Hi ya’ll,

I’m feeling crap again today. Don’t know why I’m reacting this way. Maybe it’s the heat. My whole body feels like it’s burning up. I have no air conditioning… That’s even more fked up…

I haven’t blogged in a while and Panda reminded me today so I thought, meh, what the hell, I’ll just bitch about what’s been happening the past few days if I can remember it.

Tuesday - 16/12/2008

It was biology again today. I had 4 hours of sleep because there was an essay due today. It was about peer-reviewing article crap. It seemed easy but hitting the word quota was surprisingly challenging. The day started off with a lecture. I was really tired, dozed off for a minute or two every 10 minutes. My friend and I took turns to wake each other up to copy down the important notes. It was so bad that I had actually fallen asleep in the middle of taking down notes. My words went from neat to scribbles which trailed off into a line, marking where I had unintentionally dozed off, scarring the page.

Lab today dealt with osmotic pressure. This surprisingly tied in with chemistry. We made sheep erythrocytes lyse and Rhodeo leaf cells undergo plasmolysis. It was quite a fun lab. All of us were pretty involved in it. Might be because of the whole Christmas cheer crap. Anyways, I managed to take a picture of the  plasmolysed Rhodeo cells with my phone.

DSC00352 Cytoplasmic shrinkage

DSC00353 This was a candid shot. I thought the guy was looking at the picture of the cells, but he took a picture instead. Check out the ancient computer in the back!

Wednesday – 17/12/2008

I had more sleep so I felt better. Lecture was the same as usual, starting at 0900 hrs till 1000 hrs. We had a short break before going for tutorial. Carol is hilarious! She’s a Lebanese girl but we all think she’s an Asian in disguise. She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese. We were full laughing our heads off. We got out test marks back today at the tutorial. I scored 24.5 out of 30. I could get about 0.5 – 1 mark more because she didn’t award me marks for my formula. Anna said she didn’t mark that section so she’d take it to find out who marked it so I could get my extra marks. Yay! We had another lecture after tutorial and a break before chem lab.

Today’s chem lab was also relatively interesting but if you phase out halfway, you could get seriously confuddled. We were dealing with classes of cation today. It was quite a pretty experiment. Lots of colour change etc. I made friends with 2 hot guys today. 1 was a Caucasian guy called Nim (he smelled reaaaaallly good, could have kissed his neck right there) and the other was a Japanese guy called Yoshi (he probably has a longer name I think it’s Yoshitaka or something). They’re both nice guys in my lab. Diagonally infront and behind of me. I’m surrounded by hot guys! Double yay for today because I’m so gay! (Excuse the lame rhyme. I couldn’t resist) Anyways, I ended up getting confuddled by the experiment. Tried to copy results off someone but his didn’t seem reliable at all. Seized the opportunity to check results with Nim and Yoshi. Hahaha, I’m such a slut. but not as bad as Sukebe-chan! He’s just… sukebe :p Anyways, the last part of the practical involved using the data/results we’ve got from the prac to identify which cations were present in the solution. Mine was a bluish solution so I was quite happy because Cu2+ would be in it. The problem is, there were more than 1 cations in the solution and my results were messed up so I had to go through all the steps to figure out what was inside. I have a hunch it was Pb2+ and Cu2+. There wasn’t enough time for me to reconfirm because I messed up the steps. Ah bugger… Will need to check results again with hmmm Nim or Yoshi again maybe :p

Oh well, that’s all for now. Feeling hot and depressed… But remembering what happened the past few days has cheered me up slightly. Sadly, the buzz didn’t last as long as I’d have liked it to.

Lurbs yew long time,



Armanique said...

well get undressed then.... lol it will cool u off, rest assured

Shiuji said...

go masterbate, reduce heat in your body... lol... u yourself also sukebe lol...