Monday, December 29, 2008

I’m Back!

Sorry for the long absence. I got back from Gold Coast on Saturday and have been basically been bumming around and playing heaps of Age of Mythology. I’ll try my best to remember what happened during the trip to Gold Coast. I’ll probably try to make it concise this time since as many of you know, I have an issue with excessive blogging in a single post. Alright, so here we go…

Saturday - 20th December 2008

Had to get up at 0400 to get ready to leave at 0530. The sun was about to rise when we left. I spent most of the day sleeping in the car. The drive there took about 12 hours.

DSC00403 The purple sky at 0500

We made a pit stop every 2 hours or so. “Rest, Revive, Survive”. We stopped at Macadamia Castle to get… macadamia nuts…DSC00415 The castle entrance, we didn’t use it though. Got in through the side entrance.


I’m so proud of this landscape shot. I really managed to capture it quite nicely, except for the annoying woman that intruded into my picture!

There were a few fruit loops dancing in the car park at the Macadamia Castle. They were funny. I think they were high on something, definitely. By the time we got to Coolangatta, my ass was pretty sore. Our resort room was quite depressing. Only 2 rooms with a kitchen and living room. There was 1 en suite bathroom in the master bedroom and another laundry/bathroom. I got to sleep in the living room on a sofa bed. The only perk to that was there I was sleeping in front of the massive flat screen TV and air conditioner. Had a late dinner as some relatives who were living in the gold coast came over.

Sunday – 21st December 2008

Yay! I turn 21! Had church in the morning.

DSC004371 Boo! 21st has arrived!

We were almost lost trying to find the church we were recommended to go. The church service was pretty long but it was alright overall. We went to harbourtown after that for a short reconnaissance of the place before our actual shopping onslaught tomorrow. Met up with the relatives again and went to their house for tea. The place they were living at was really nice.

DSC00442 DSC00445 DSC00447 DSC00452 DSC00454

At 1700 hrs ish, we went to the relatives church for a carol singing session. It was quite nice. Their church congregation was pretty big. There were quite a few hotties. There was 1 particularly yummy guy sitting in front of me. :D By the time we finished it was pretty late so we went home for dinner. Overall, a pretty quiet and lifeless 21st birthday, no cake, no nothing. I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed since my other friends had big birthday bashes for their 21sts. Some had their at hotels, some hired string quartets and had massive parties at clubs etc.

DSC004901 DSC005151Happy 21st to me… 

Monday – 22nd December 2008

CHAARRGEEEEEE!! We got up early to go to Harbourtown. From yesterday’s expedition, we’ve formulated our attack plans. We would maximise the time spent in each shop and minimise time spent covering the distance from 1 shop to the other. I bought myself a nice studded belt from Politix. The sales assistant was so obviously gay but he said he had a Taiwanese girlfriend. Well, whatever it is, I managed to get a discount on my belt and that’s all that mattered. :D I bought Bee Bee Gucci’s Envy Me perfume for Christmas. She got me a pair of converse shoes and my eldest sister, Priscilla got me a pair of black skinny jeans. We were walking around nonstop for a long time. I bought a really nice jacket from Roger David. My sister paid half of it for me :D I wanted to buy a bag from fossil too but i decided not to. By the time we were satisfied from shopping, it was already 1600 hrs. Bought lunch from McDonalds and went to the relative’s place for a late lunch. Had a long socialising session. We talked about the dark family secrets and our long family history. It was all very fascinating stuff. We went out for dinner together after that.

DSC00474 the sky at their place todayDSC00475 “hope” obscured by darknessDSC00477 the clear blue sky after the passing of the dark cloudsDSC004791 Waiting outside the restaurantDSC011321 The 3 siblings, all looking rather yellowDSC00483 Ginormous crabs in the tank!

We went home after that. That would be the last time we’d see them for this trip.

Tuesday – 23rd December 2008

I don’t really remember what happened on the 23rd. I think we just bummed around at home. I went to the sauna. I was the only one there, no hot guys came in to join me, disappointing. Ahaha! We watched Mama Mia after dinner. It was really nice.

Wednesday – 24th December 2008

Christmas eve!! We had our celebration dinner tonight so the afternoon was basically just spent cooking the Christmas ham. After dinner we opened presents! Yay! I wasn’t really expecting much for Christmas but this is what I got.

DSC00532 Converse shoes, CK One, Skinny Jeans, IPod Nano 4th Gen 8 gb. Sorry about the mess. You can still see my chemical SI data book there. I did some studying while I was on holiday =)DSC00527Multi coloured Christmas Jelly!

Thursday – 25th December 2008

Christmas! Tra la la~ Merry Christmas! Well, we went to church for Christmas service today. There were 2 hot guys there. I couldn’t help myself but I kept looking at the hot guy on the other side of the room and he looked back at me quite a lot too. Ahaha, so awkward. Came home after that for a simple lunch with the leftovers. We went to the beach for a stroll since it was  just across the road and we walked further down to the border of New South Wales and Queensland. On the way back, I saw a half naked hottie in a Lexus. He stopped right next to me and looked at me. He got out of his car and walked into the resort opposite mine. He was probably driving his dad’s car. But hot though! He goes under the category of “bronze god”. He had tanned skin. Sooo sexy! Ooo la la~ In the evening, I started to pack up my stuff since we’re leaving the next day.

DSC00535Silhouette of the city in the distance DSC00536 the large expanse of sand and seaDSC00541 the black dots are the birdsDSC00551”Welcome to New South Wales” DSC00547The Great Divide DSC00548 She couldn’t decide which side she liked better

Friday – 26th December 2008

Time to leave to go back to Sydney. We left at 0800 ish. My ass was totally sore again from the car ride. Got back to Sydney at 2200 hrs.

I’ve just been bumming around the last few days so yea, nothing new to update on. That’s all for my trip. Hope I didn’t bore you guys too much. I know it’s quite a long post again, sorry!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Lurbs yew long time,


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Second test via mobile phone

My birthday present from my eldest sister

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Boo in bed

Trying to blog from bed

Merry Christmas!

Hello everybody,

I won’t be around for about a week so I doubt I'll be able to blog. I’ll be leaving for Gold Coast in 4 hours time and it’s currently 0100 hrs. I’m suffering from a serious lack of sleep and back pains. This will be a very uncomfortable trip…

Anyways, I don’t have much time to ramble on about much but today I had chemistry. Met Yoshi again (duh, he takes the same course). But anywhos, met him at the Quad lounge and invited him to eat with us. He was quite quiet. I hope we didn’t scare him too much. Evelyn was so funny :D She knows I’m “happy”. We had a really good time doing the lab report during/after the final lecture today. I sat next to Yoshi during the lecture. Talked to him on msn as well :D I’m such a slut! lol!

On Thursday night, I went emo mode. I won’t elaborate too much about it. Here’s Emo-Jo for  you. Maybe it’s because I'll become an old fart tomorrow…


DSC004011 DSC003581DSC003721Picture 2971

  I look too yellow with my phone :(

Oh, I went to Westfield EastGardens looking emo with the family for grocery shopping. On the way back home, we went to look at the Christmas decorations put up by the neighbours. It’s really very pretty. 

DSC00374  DSC00376


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DSC00387 DSC00388 DSC00389

Sorry for putting up so many pictures. I wish you guys were there with me to look at the lights :D Anyways, I really should go try to get some shut eye. I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas!

Lurbs yew all long time,


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Searing Heat of Summer

Hi ya’ll,

I’m feeling crap again today. Don’t know why I’m reacting this way. Maybe it’s the heat. My whole body feels like it’s burning up. I have no air conditioning… That’s even more fked up…

I haven’t blogged in a while and Panda reminded me today so I thought, meh, what the hell, I’ll just bitch about what’s been happening the past few days if I can remember it.

Tuesday - 16/12/2008

It was biology again today. I had 4 hours of sleep because there was an essay due today. It was about peer-reviewing article crap. It seemed easy but hitting the word quota was surprisingly challenging. The day started off with a lecture. I was really tired, dozed off for a minute or two every 10 minutes. My friend and I took turns to wake each other up to copy down the important notes. It was so bad that I had actually fallen asleep in the middle of taking down notes. My words went from neat to scribbles which trailed off into a line, marking where I had unintentionally dozed off, scarring the page.

Lab today dealt with osmotic pressure. This surprisingly tied in with chemistry. We made sheep erythrocytes lyse and Rhodeo leaf cells undergo plasmolysis. It was quite a fun lab. All of us were pretty involved in it. Might be because of the whole Christmas cheer crap. Anyways, I managed to take a picture of the  plasmolysed Rhodeo cells with my phone.

DSC00352 Cytoplasmic shrinkage

DSC00353 This was a candid shot. I thought the guy was looking at the picture of the cells, but he took a picture instead. Check out the ancient computer in the back!

Wednesday – 17/12/2008

I had more sleep so I felt better. Lecture was the same as usual, starting at 0900 hrs till 1000 hrs. We had a short break before going for tutorial. Carol is hilarious! She’s a Lebanese girl but we all think she’s an Asian in disguise. She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese. We were full laughing our heads off. We got out test marks back today at the tutorial. I scored 24.5 out of 30. I could get about 0.5 – 1 mark more because she didn’t award me marks for my formula. Anna said she didn’t mark that section so she’d take it to find out who marked it so I could get my extra marks. Yay! We had another lecture after tutorial and a break before chem lab.

Today’s chem lab was also relatively interesting but if you phase out halfway, you could get seriously confuddled. We were dealing with classes of cation today. It was quite a pretty experiment. Lots of colour change etc. I made friends with 2 hot guys today. 1 was a Caucasian guy called Nim (he smelled reaaaaallly good, could have kissed his neck right there) and the other was a Japanese guy called Yoshi (he probably has a longer name I think it’s Yoshitaka or something). They’re both nice guys in my lab. Diagonally infront and behind of me. I’m surrounded by hot guys! Double yay for today because I’m so gay! (Excuse the lame rhyme. I couldn’t resist) Anyways, I ended up getting confuddled by the experiment. Tried to copy results off someone but his didn’t seem reliable at all. Seized the opportunity to check results with Nim and Yoshi. Hahaha, I’m such a slut. but not as bad as Sukebe-chan! He’s just… sukebe :p Anyways, the last part of the practical involved using the data/results we’ve got from the prac to identify which cations were present in the solution. Mine was a bluish solution so I was quite happy because Cu2+ would be in it. The problem is, there were more than 1 cations in the solution and my results were messed up so I had to go through all the steps to figure out what was inside. I have a hunch it was Pb2+ and Cu2+. There wasn’t enough time for me to reconfirm because I messed up the steps. Ah bugger… Will need to check results again with hmmm Nim or Yoshi again maybe :p

Oh well, that’s all for now. Feeling hot and depressed… But remembering what happened the past few days has cheered me up slightly. Sadly, the buzz didn’t last as long as I’d have liked it to.

Lurbs yew long time,


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Snowie Files

Yaho lovelies!

Sorry I haven’t been blogging for a bit. It’s been pretty hectic. My wonderful oldest sister from England came over for a visit. I haven’t seen her for 4 years. It’s really good to see her again. She arrived on Thursday. By the time I had ended classes for the day, my parents had already picked her up and came to pick me up as well. The car was pretty full with my parents and my sisters. I was dressed like a “fashionista” according to my sister. I had a long sleeve white round neck T-shirt from Esprit and my fur jacket with my sexy hand stitched black leather shoes. (Sorry for being so shameless, actually, I'm not that sorry, tough bickies, eat that you fashion perpetrators!) It was great to see her again. She got my Dolce & Gabbana’s “The One”. It smells pretty good. I’ll be alternating between that and my signature scent Yves Saint Laurent’s “L’Homme”.

On Friday – 12/12/2008, I had classes as usual. it was chemistry which ended at 1300 hrs. I bought my sister 2 UNSW hoodie sweatshirts since she wanted them. Merry X’mas dearest sister! They had very nice signet rings there. Looks similar to the family’s coat of arms. Anyways, we had family friends from Singapore coming over to stay for a bit. The dad was actually from Civil Defence as well (that was where I was posted to for National Service). He was head of 4th Division’s Public Affairs Branch (P.A.B.). I was sent to 1st Division’s P.A.B. which was alot better since their’s was located in some secluded region of Singapore. Mine was the closest to town. Orchard Road and all the fun places came under our jurisdiction. Anyways, they were here on Friday. They had 3 kids – Grace, Joy and John. They were all still kids but seemed quite old for their age. I remember Grace and Joy from when I was younger. I used to take care of them. It was really fun. The two of them have blossomed from feisty little munchkins to genteel young girls. John on the other hand was quite an overtly energetic, outspoken brat. He was “bugging” me in my room (I tried to escape to my room but he barged in) but I had my geisha smile on to hide my exasperation. And after a while he said I was very gay. I was shocked that this little kid knew what gay meant but it was the PG version of it. According to him, gays are boys that dress like girls. I had my ear stud on that time. It took all my patience to keep a smile on and continue to be somewhat “sociable”. After a while, he said I turned my head like a girl. I was like… what the !@#$… (in my head, I didn’t say it out loud)

“How does a guy turn his head then?” I asked.

He replied “They don’t turn their head that fast.”

I tried to turn my head very slowly now. In my head I envisaged myself as one of those psychotic serial killers.

“Without a smile” he added.

My mask just dissolved and I gave him one of my toned down death stares. That managed to shut him up for a bit. But OMG, I was almost ready to slice open the little imp with a butter knife and sacrifice his entrails to the gods of old.

He went to my sister’s room and announced that I was “very gay” to them. I could hear my sisters cracking up in the other room and Grace and Joy telling John off for being so rude.

On Saturday – 13/12/2008, I went to to church for a short meeting and then to the city to meet up with Klement and Derrick. They were going to get their hair cut at this Korean hair salon. I sat on the sofa facing the shopfront so I could see the people walking past. There were sooooo many hotties out today. I mean, WOW! Met up with Jeff and the 4 of us went to Din Tai Fung at World Square for lunch. I love that place!

DSC00314 Love the Deco!

DSC00316 The lights were swaying in the pseudo wind

DSC00310 More bowls on the wall!

DSC00320 Sauce bowls now :O

DSC00319  Now to the soup spoons!


Close up of the soup spoons

The wind outside was pretty strong. I felt like I was going to be blown away.

DSC00325 Dragon Scales at World Square

We went around the city after lunch. Derrick wanted to buy some perfume so we went to David Jones and Myers to go have a sniff at the good ones. I recommended quite a few good ones to him. He ended up buying the Hugo Boss #6 Limited Edition and Giorgio Armani Code. All 4 of us were thoroughly doused with a plethora of perfume by the time we were done. I did most of the spraying on people. There are usually exhibitions and buskers at the broad walk outside Myers. I managed to take a picture of some dude painting a pretty nice picture.

DSC00327 It looks really good!

I came home after that. I was pretty tired but I managed to do some camwhoring during lunch and when I got home.

DSC003172 At Din Tai Fung with Jeff

DSC003031a It was hot but windy today.


John was a quite a terror. He traumatised poor Snowie really badly. He used my Dad’s remote control Sherman Tank to chase Snowie around the house. Usually when Dad does it, Snowie barks his furry little head off but this time Snowie was absolutely silent. He just sat in between Mum’s feet with his tail in between his legs. I could tell he was absolutely terrified. After a while the parents told him off. He proceeded to come bug me with the tank instead. I was trying to work on my assignment. Gosh, I’m somewhat happy I won’t be able to have kids.

On Sunday – 14/12/2008, we went to church as usual. Came back home and we had a barbecue. It was really warm outside. Our guests would be leaving today. We had a pretty good lunch and wonderful dessert to wrap up lunch. There was a long chat session while the girls went to take a nap. John took a “pretend” nap. He was back within 5 mins. After much begging and annoying his Dad, John was allowed to take Snowie for a walk around the neighbourhood. My Dad went with John since he was the official “dog walker”. That was the only reason why John’s dad allowed him to go anyways. They left for their hotel at 1730 hrs and at 1845, I had to go for the evening service with Dad and Mum because we were going to pick up Angeline after that. She’s a friend from Uni that had to find a temporary place to put up till February when her new place will be done. If she didn’t come stay with us, she’d be sharing a room with 5 other people – 3 guys and 2 girls. It worked out pretty well also as we’d be going away to the Gold Coast next week and couldn’t find anyone to take care of Snowie.

Snowie was absolutely wasted from John the Terrible. He was under my sister’s duvet. He didn’t bother moving at all. Poor Snowie! Perfect opportunity to photograph Snowie! >=)

DSC00332 Sleepy Snow

DSC00336 No energy to escape the evil wraps of the duvet!


He didn’t even bother licking me when I tried to kiss him! :( Where’s the loovveeee gone!?!?

Usually when I attempt to kiss him, he’d try to eat/lick my lips. This time he just laid there doing nothing.

Sorry for the rather long post, now we come to the last section…

Monday – 15/12/2008

Had to get up early because Priscilla (my oldest sister) had to go to the Department of Immigration to get her Australian PR status back. It wasn’t possible to get it done on the spot because she didn’t fulfil the requirement which is to be in Australia for 2 years out of the past 5 years. She did get some forms to fill in and the lady that served us was really helpful. She tried her best to provide us with all the information we’d need, etc. So we were done by 0930 hrs. We walked from Railway Square towards the central city. First stop was Starbucks for a nice pick-me-up drink. We continued walking towards QVB and The Galleries Victoria.

DSC00341 Town Hall

DSC00342 The Queen Victoria Building (QVB) and some bald dude

We fluttered from store to store till 1130 hrs when I had an appointment at Stairway to Beauty at Skygardens. The girls went to get their nails done. We were finished by 1245 hrs and went to do more shopping. We headed for David Jones. Pris wanted to go look at the Giorgio Armani makeup so I brought her to the woman’s section. After a while of looking around their range of makeup, there was a really fair lady that took a seat in front of the makeup mirror and was attended to by this makeup artist with a heavy French accent. She looked really familiar and I couldn’t help but stare for a bit. She smiled slightly at me as I tried to recall where I remembered seeing her. It suddenly hit me like a brick wall. That was Miranda Otto! She was the actress that played Eowyn from Lord of the Rings and one of the characters from Cashmere Mafia. OMG OMG OMG!~! Celebrity alert!! Of course I didn’t go hound her but I tried to steal glances at her whenever I could. Oh and there were hot guys there too, sadly, shopping with their girlfriends. Pris ended up buying a really good concealer and lipstick. We met up with Angeline and went for lunch at Sky Phoenix. We had yum cha there. It was pretty cheap for the 4 of us. I burnt the top of my mouth from a searing hot siew mai. It’s not good to “fi di” when you’re eating dim sums straight out of the steamer. It was pretty bad. Almost cried from it. Anyways, we walked around a bit more and then went to SDS. The girls were shopping for swim wear and havainas while I just looked around for hot guys. The guys in there weren’t really my type. We caught the bus home after that. I fell asleep on the bus. Quite tired today. When I got home I had to finish up my essay which is due tomorrow. Total gheyness…

DSC003451 My phone always makes me yellow :(

Picture 2841 Hmmm why am I yellow from the phone?

Picture 2861 Speechless… Miranda Otto had really clear fair skin!

Anyways, that’s all for today. Sorry for making the post so long. Please remind me to update my blog regularly so I don’t have to torture myself with such a long post :)

Lurbs yew long time,
