Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1st day of Chemistry Session


Today began with me rolling out of bed, shivering in the cold. It's supposed to be summer so I don't usually wear excessive clothing to bed... (note to self: find a hot lover before winter comes)

With 5 hours of sleep, I felt like crap. Had to quickly get ready to go to Uni. Today's schedule is chemistry, chemistry and more chemistry... yay...
0930 hrs was some administrative stuff. I was somewhat awake as I had friends around. The course coordinator's beard has grown longer over the short break since the exams. Must be for Christmas coming up.
1000 hrs was the first lecture for chemistry.
"Atomic structure, yay, i know this stuff!

wait hang on... why is physics getting involved...





That's pretty much how the first lecture went. Hurrah for quantum mechanics of electron configuration... I was so tired I fell asleep after 30 mins. Good thing I was sitting at the side of the lecture hall. It was pretty bad. I woke up after 5 mins and tried to remain awake. It was a gruelling battle which I had ultimately won. We had a 30 min break so my mates and I went down to the cafe beside the Uni Bar to get something to eat and drink. My mummy packed me lunch. Lurbs yew mummsie! It was pork floss with bread! My favourite! yay! I was feeling happy already.

At 1030 hrs, went to the Law Building for chemistry tutorial. I wanted Anna Choy, my previous tutor for this session as she's really good but I had Dr Kakali Chowdhury. I got my friends who were in Anna's tutorial to ask if I could join in next session and she seemed quite happy! Yay! Dr Kakali is a friendly little Indian lady with a mutated British accent. She had wonderful phonetics but there was that underlying Indian-English accent that made me giggle to myself. The classroom was somewhat packed. There are 3 hot guys in my class. 2 Asian, 1 Caucasian. The Caucasian guy sat next to me. He smelled of cigarettes. I'm hesitant to change tutorial classes now ;p The tutorial went very much slower than I had liked it to go. Dr Kakali talks with such speed that tectonic plates could have collided enough to make a mountain even before she finished a sentence. Goooo Dr Kakali! I had two questions I needed help with. She only managed to do one before the 1 hr tutorial lesson ended. And it seemed like I was the only one who did the tutorial questions beforehand. She was constantly looking at me for answers. I feel bad about ditching her and hopping over to Anna Choy's class now. Oooo, dilemma dilemma... What to do now? :S

Straight after tutorial, I had to rush back to the lecture theatre for the second chemistry lecture. More quantum-chemistry... So depressing that I'm so lost... Ground state configuration, configuration of ions all the way up to atomic properties and more electron configuration... I managed to stay awake although I was very restless in my seat.

I was quite relieved that the day was over after this class. Next week, I'd have a 3 hour lab session after this lecture... Normally, a semester would be 14 weeks long. Recently, they shortened a normal session to 12 weeks and for summer session, the entire course is being crammed into 8 weeks. The final exams of both BABS and Chem clashes with my flight plans to Singapore. If the faculties do agree to allow me to sit for the exam, it means that I'd be sitting for each exam on the day of the last lecture. I don't know how I'm going to study at this rate... Maybe I'll just have to forfeit those questions pertaining to that lecture...

I got home at 1630 hrs. I was cheered up by my package arriving from Global Gear. I had placed an order for a new sword cleaning kit, a tanto stand and a necklace almost 3 months ago. (it was only supposed to take 2 weeks... but I'm still happy anyways :D) I decided to camwhore a bit with it. Here are the results. Let me know what you think of it!

Lurbs yew long time,

Phoenix chasing the Crane

Sterling Silver
This pendant is the mini version of the original tsuba (sword hand guard)

Argh me mateys! (Insert pirate noises here)
My eyes actually felt a bit tired while posing and it turned out like this. Should I apply to be their model? ;p


z said...

i hate chem. haha... i still need to get my necklace back from peter!! ah ><

Ad Infinitum said...

ooo will you be spending the night again when you go reclaim your necklace? :p leave something else behind! ahaha you'll get a second excuse to see him again :O

garçon said...

don't give kevin notty sound experienced...hmmm

Shiuji said...

Kevin is notty enough, don't teach him anymore. Otherwise I gonna faint again. T.T

ici said...

ai ya~ don't rush on the love seeking! better off seeking a 'potential' bf as a friend during these winter times~ hugging when cold can lead to something... =P

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

jon!!! yeah, as what ICI said, better seek a potential bf to hug during the winter...

otherwise, you will feel COLD and lonely.. that's really miserable man... ^^

and the pendant is so cool.. it will look nicer if it's gold LOL

Ad Infinitum said...

I will try to find a potential boyfriend, if not, a potential client who's going to buy my virginity ;p I'm quite a slut, I know ahaha!

Thanks Willy! But I'm not really into yellow gold. If it's white gold I don't mind but then I wouldn't be able to afford it! :D