Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hellish Heat

Hello all,

I’ve been relatively lazy in updating my blog. Nothing substantial to bitch about anyways. I figured, I might as well bitch about the thing that’s most annoying at the moment. The votes are in, a landslide victory goes to this confounded heat! Today’s temperature was about 31 degrees Celsius.  To some people, this may not seem like much, to me, I feel like I’m in a conflagration. This sweltering inferno has induced slothfulness and stupor in everyone here. Unlike in Singapore where everywhere one can find relief from the heat in just a few steps into a shopping mall, Sydney does not have the luxury to such amenities.

Today in biology lecture, I fell asleep, in both lectures. I didn’t sleep throughout the lectures, thankfully. I was sitting up the front as well. But I wasn’t the only one who had trouble staying awake. The air conditioner exuded a soothing flow of cool air which lulled everyone in the room to a light slumber. We awoke occasionally but always at the critical moment where notes from the screen were required to be taken down as they were omitted from the lecture handouts. To summarise the lectures in a nutshell, first lecture was about metabolism – catabolism & anabolism. The second lecture was about the protozoan Giardia. We saw video clips and pictures of the parasite. It was most fascinating! It had 4 pairs of flagella and 2 nuclei! Sadly, we still succumbed to the  pacifying effect of the air conditioner. Lectures ended at 12 00 hrs today. Uni was quite packed today as it was Info day for all the new students that would be starting this coming semester. Everyone looked so young, freshly popped out from high school. Oh well… Good luck to them!

Went off to the city and got to JB Hi-fi at the Strand. Bought my IPod Nano 4th Gen case. It was quite a deliberation to decide which colour to pick. Both were pretty matched but in the end, I picked Silver as it had the most contrast with the carbon black colour of my IPod. At the bus stop on the way home, I met Dad. I was caught red-handed gallivanting after Uni. Crap! But he wasn’t too mad. He was just slightly irked that I didn’t tell him beforehand as he had a $30 gift card for JB Hi-fi and I could have used it.

Anyways, we got to Kingsford and we went to pick up the car and drove to the club for lunch. We had medium-rare sirloin steak which vegetables and chips. It was really good. I love the steak there. It was succulent and the gravy was  most palatable. Kudos to the chefs! It has been a while since we went to the club for lunch. Dad seized the opportunity to renew his membership anyways.

We headed to East Gardens to go pick up Bee Bee from work. Did some window shopping before coming back home. Spent most of the time uploading stuff into my IPod. It seems like I’m the only anomalous person that is into traditional Japanese theatre. I was desperately trying to convert 早乙女太一 妖艶絵巻 Scene of Heaven into a compatible format for the IPod.

I don’t know how many of you will actually like this performance but I am in rapture every time I watch 早乙女太一 perform. Exquisite skills for a 16/17 year old. Oh, and this is a 女形 (female role specialist) type kabuki performance with a slightly modern twist, as can be felt in the music and the speed of the movements. Nonetheless, the movements are still fluid and graceful. This really doesn’t do justice to 早乙女太一 so I might do a proper blog entry about this marvellous performer.

Anyways, time to sleep now. Chemistry day tomorrow…. Feeling sick already.

Lurbs yew long time,



z said...

middle of summer eh?
canada is like extreme opposite.

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

sweetie the illegal child of LATE king kevin and sai tai hao... how i wish to live in a country with 31celsius now :P

garçon said...

hey...i heard that the snow in canada is pretty bad! hahaha...the heat here in singapore is so unbearable that i dread leaving home! singapore, where its summer all year round. hahaha

anyway, the performance is so captivating! so much poise and elegance! brava!

Shiuji said...

=.= all of you living in a 4season country, for me? From jan to dec, no diff. Really feel bored.

I like those song play by the bearbear... so nice... introduce me more song leh...

~eRiC~ said...

yeah, u picked the silver one. Good taste..Lol
Ahh, chinese and japanese operas are freaking me out.