Saturday, November 29, 2008

End of Week 1

Hi ya'll!

It's been a relatively boring day. Chemistry session today. I thought lectures were starting at 1000 hrs today but it was actually 0930 hrs. Good thing I actually left early to reach uni by 0930 anyways. The lecturer went really fast as well. It was raining alot today. The first lecture slightly earlier at 1015 hrs. We had a short break before tutorial at 1030 hrs. One of my friends, Langer had to go to the Law Library to check his marks. My other friend, Klement and I sat at the Foyer. He bought a giant cookie from the vending machine and I nibbled on my peanut butter sandwich (specially requested peanut butter today). I decided to ditch Dr Kakali's tutorial and went to Anna Choy's one instead. According to my friends, she seemed relatively happy to see me. It seemed like I was the only one participating in her tutorial, exactly the same as Dr Kakali's. There were less hot guys though. Would that be a good thing?

The 3 of us were discussing some problem in the tutorial even after it had ended. That ate into our 30 mins break time before the next lecture. Anna Choy and I had a chat while the other 2 were still figuring out how to solve the question. My method was different from theirs so I couldn't really help them understand it. I told her that Organic Chemistry was my worst nemesis and she gave me some tips on rote learning the reactions. There are really alot of reaction to memorise. Before we knew it, it was almost time for the next lecture to start. Good thing it paused raining and the lecture theatre wasn't that far from the Australian School of Business (ASB). (ASB used to belong to the science faculty until they renovated it and the business school came in and stole our property! It's serious really nice inside! I should have taken a few pictures before it started. Will do that next week :D)

This lecture would be the last one for the day. It was soooo warm. The freaking air conditioners weren't working. Everyone was practically inhaling each other's "exhaust". Quite a relief that no one let one rip. That would have been disastrous! We were all restless from the heat and the sheer complication of the lecture. He was still going really fast. He was asking questions and no one was bothering to reply. I think no one could. We just gave him blank stares of death. He ended up answering his own questions. He is a nice guy though. Just that no one was in the mood to be accommodating. We ended early since we were pretty much brain dead. The lecture had lasted for 1 hr 15 mins. It had started to rain pretty heavily once we left the lecture theatre. I did talk to one of the hot guys in Dr Kakali's tutorial class. His name is Mark. He's really nice and quite hot, that is, until he says something. He's a total drama queen! Don't get me wrong, I don't despise him or anything, on the contrary, I find them exceedingly amusing with all their exaggerated movements and expressions. Always cracks me up. Well, I left without saying goodbye which was pretty rude of me but he was talking to his other group of friends.

Klement and I went to McDonald's McCafe. I had a standard chocolate frappé. It was really yum. Dad sent me an sms asking me if I was done for the day. I was quite surprised that he finished that early on Fridays. He came and picked me up and we went for steak at the club. It was pretty nice. Medium-rare sirloin steak with steamed veggies and chips. I wasn't really hungry when we ate but I was pretty stuffed after that steak. We came home after that.

There was a rather fascinating speculation that I discussed with Kevin. Despite the possibility that everything up to now has been nothing but utter lies, do I really want to shatter this illusion and confront the truth? Would I be happier going along with the lie? Or will dire consequences ensue?

To be or not to be, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to — 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream.

Oh well, I guess now's not the time to be worrying about such trivial things. I've got exams to prepare for! 7 more weeks left... This is truly unnerving! I had a super long nap after I got back home and have not done any revision at all... Instead, I made a new blog header, which I'm sure all your lovely people would have noticed right from the start, right? RIGHT? I made it myself :( I hope you like. I'm feeling like an emo crackpot at the moment, so I shan't infect you any further with my mindless blabbering.

Lurbs yew long time,


^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

you header will be nicer if you put your face pic ^^

if you are doubt with anything, you better confront the truth. i hate the feeling being cheated!!!

Shiuji said...

Can you teach me how to create those pictures, I don't even know how to edit pictures... T.T

Anonymous said...