Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The First Week Back

Hi ya'll

Apologies for such a long intermission, but then again, it's not as if you guys are dying to find out what's going on in my life anyways.

So university has started all over again. I'm now in my 1st year, 2nd Semester but I'm mostly doing my 2nd year subjects. The subjects for this term are: Biochemistry 2181, Physiology 1A, Safety, Health and Environmental Hazards (toxicology module), and Math 1031 (for life science because I'm too stupid to do the harder one :p)

The university is once again filled with tons of people. From up the walkway, all you can see is a sea of heads (mostly black - asian hair). I shall attempt to take a picture of it one of these days.

Classes have been about the same, I have 6 hours of labs on Wednesday.Everything seems like such a bore. I've lost almost all motivation. With that said, there is a hot guy in my class now. He was in my math tutorial last semester. This semester he's in my Physiology and Biochem lectures. He seems rather lonely. He sits by himself. I think I will try to make friends with him. Just for the record, he's just good eye-candy.

I've been trying to go to bed early nowadays otherwise I'll look like crap in the morning so it's to bed by 0100 hours. Sigh, uni life seems quite tiring. 22 hours of lesson per week, 24 units of credit. That's an estimate of 6 - 10 hours per UoC. Oh well, it's not like I do 6 hours per UoC anyways.

Ok, that should be enough for now, I need my beauty sleep! Till next time, take care darlings!

Lurbs yew long time,


~eRiC~ said...

yep yep...it's like getting busier and busier semester after semester.Tell me how did u fare in ur quiz today 17th march 2009...hehe...and yea, i hate maths...gee

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

wei sweetie, go get that cutie ^_^

Armanique said...

wah 1.00a.m -> sleep early... hahaha my definition of sleep early is 10pm.

Kenji said...

Hahaha! Well good luck to you la! I can personally testify that uni life is just so... no life! Personally as well, I have to meet more friends or else it would really REALLY suck! Can't do anything by myself haha!

But hey update more! Some people wanna hear what goes on and what not! xD

m a r v z said...
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m a r v z said...

try not to turn him to stone the minute you try to befriend him ...

Shiuji said...

yeah... yeah...

yishioni gambaro... train ourselve to sleep early... for my nice body, for our nice look, for our electric eye, for our beauty skin, for everything...

from today onwards, sleep earlier...

karomadee said...

good luck in your studies. no guts no glory!