Hello everyone,
HUAT ARH! Happy Chinese New Year! I do apologise for the long hiatus but I just remembered my blog and thought I'd do a little update. Little might be an understatement as most of you remember from my previous posts that little usually means an essay-length post.
So starting from the most recent events, I went to Singapore. Yay! It was a really wonderful trip. Lots of hot guys in Singapore! OH-EM-GEEEEEE!! Shoot me dead, they were all over the place! And there was a wonderful mix of hot Asians guys and sexy Caucasian expats! Yummmmy!
Anywhos, back to the trip. I went to Singapore to help my parents with the packing as we're selling off our apartment. It was quite nostalgic but I never remembered the place being so... filthy... It was seriously gross. the YMCA had better rooms! We cleaned it up and made it at least "liveable" (just for comparison, my SCDF camp in Jalan Bahar was a lot cleaner!) I've been going around
Orchard almost every night. I went to Ion and damn, I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! My favourite place in Ion will have to be TWG Tea Salon. The selection of teas were just astonishing and the scones were just AMAZING!!! Shoot-me-dead-and-revive-me-so-I-can-eat-those-scones-again amazing! That's how good they were. I really felt happy just sitting there eating them. The tea jelly that was served with the cream was what made it extraordinary but it was already really wonderful already. The manager at TWG was this really cute guy with the sexiest French accent ever. I like those accents, makes me melt and he had the nicest sit-upons (if you don't know what that means, Google it. It's a Victorian term.) I went to TWG about 5 times through my stay I think. Once when it was just about to close, 2nd time with another friend and that's when I tried the scones, 3rd, 4th and 5th time was with Tommy, the 5th being the morning on the day I was leaving Singapore back to Sydney. I bought 2 canisters of tea and a bottle of tea jelly. I was so happy that I managed to clear it through customs. I bought Silver Moon and Sweet France. I picked Silver Moon but Sweet France and the canisters were based on the cute manager's recommendation. I'm drinking a cup of Sweet France tea now and I can't help but think of him. Ah he's just too hot. I should have taken pics damnit! Missing Singapore already! Well, maybe just missing him already :p
I got to meet James in Singapore. Didn’t meet Sukebe because he ran away to Malaysia. Oh well, according to James, Sukebe has slimmed down a lot but should still stay away from those skinny jeans. Congratulations Sukebe-chan if you’re reading this! But from the description James provided me, yea, I do agree, stay far away from those skinny jeans! Lol.
Oh, my hair style has changed already. I'll put some pictures of when it was longer and then after I got my haircut because my mother was nagging me about how long it was. I basically chopped off the back, save for a lock of hair which I braid into what my friend told me is called a dragon's tail. Lol, very asian term. Well, at least it's not anything sad like a tortoise tail. Oh in Singapore, I was asked if I would consider being a model for this agency. I was really caught by surprise as I didn't really feel I was of model-standards. It was flattering though. They gave me a call and asked if I could come in for an interview but I told them that I wasn't living in Singapore anymore so that was the most flattering moment for me the entire trip.
The trip back to Sydney wasn't too bad. I sat next to this somewhat cute (ranging between the ok to cute category) Norwegian guy who was flying to Brisbane to do his masters. We didn't chat at first but then I started talking to him and he was really friendly. I forgot what I said first to break the ice, but it was probably something about Singapore. He was really nice and had a really cute "hmmm"? I thought that was the most adorable "hmmm" I've ever heard. I didn’t get to sleep at all during the flight, nothing suss went on alright so don’t get too excited. Although, his leg was pressed against mine while he was sleeping. Lol, damn those small airplane chairs for making physical contact so much more excusable! ; ) I watched Fame (2009) on the airplane and it was an ok movie but the music was good and Asher Book was quite cute :D
Well, so I’m back in Sydney. I have to go back to Uni next week since I’ve got to be around during orientation week for my club. Oh, I forgot to mention that I became the secretary for the club. :)
The albums above have pictures of my other friends as well. The first album is of my old hairstyle. It was taken at the darling harbour area. In the second album,there are pictures of Ion at the ground level, a tiger in front of some other shopping centre and the blossom tea from TWG, sadly, didn’t take a picture with the hot manager. Lol!
Anywhos, hope you guys had a good Chinese New Year! RAWRRRR!
Lurbs yew long time,